Our commitment to you and your family begins the moment after the initial request for our services. As a family-owned and operated funeral home, we are proud to have a staff that gives careful attention to your wishes and ensures each detail is fulfilled.
These prices are effective as of December 31 , 2024 and are subject to change without notice.
This is a commonly selected package that we offer. This package includes, the night before the funeral there would be visitation generally in the evening with the casket present. This gives an opportunity for family and friends to gather and give their support. The service itself is normally the following day either in the chapel of the funeral home or in another facility, chosen by the family. The ceremony is intended to celebrate and remember the life of the person who died and can be made as personal and meaningful as the family wishes. A funeral often consists of scripture reading, prayers, a eulogy, sometimes a sermon, and oftentimes, music. After the funeral, there is a procession to the cemetery, for a committal service. The committal service is usually held at the graveside and is a brief service. Frequently, there is a reception or gathering to follow at a church, community building, or the family’s home at the conclusion of the services.
Additional Weekend Charge for Visitation & Funeral, and Graveside Service...............................................................................................$300.00
Service Options: $7,330 – 7,780
This is a package that is also frequently selected. The service is either in the chapel of the funeral home or in another facility, chosen by the family with the visitation an hour or longer before the funeral service.. The funeral again, often consists of scripture reading, prayers, a eulogy, sometimes a sermon, and music. Again, the ceremony is intended to celebrate and remember the life of the person who died and can be made as personal and meaningful as the family wishes. After the funeral, there is a procession to the cemetery, for a committal service. The committal service is usually held at the graveside and is a brief service. Frequently, there is a gathering of family and friends at a church, community building, or the family’s home at the conclusion of the services.
Additional Weekend Charge for Visitation & Funeral, and Graveside Service................................................................................................$300.00
Service Options: $7,000 – 7,450
This package is another selection that is offered to our families. The service is held at the cemetery where the committal service also takes place. There is no public viewing or funeral ceremony in the funeral chapel or another facility. There is usually no procession to the cemetery, but everyone meets at the burial site before service time. The funeral often consists of scripture reading, prayers, a eulogy, and often a sermon. Frequently, there is a gathering of family and friends to follow at a church or the family’s home at the conclusion of the services.
Additional Weekend Charge for Visitation & Funeral, and Graveside Service................................................................................................$300.00
Service Option: $6,025
Caskets: $1,900 and up
Vaults (Outer Burial Containers): $1,750 and up